Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some Reflections: Our Small Group Member Spotlight Series

I’ve shared previously about my small group going through what we call Small Group Member Spotlight. Having been together as a group for years, we all sensed a desire to go deeper – deeper in our sharing, deeper in our conversations, deeper in our relationships – with God and with each other, deeper in our accountability – basically we were seeking to experience in deeper ways the life Jesus offers when he says, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) We believe that life is experienced together in community.

God can certainly lead us to deeper places through any number of ways. Perhaps you’ve taken this journey with your community through studying God’s Word, or serving together or worshipping together, or praying together and for each other and for those beyond your group.

Our group decided to spend a season sharing our life stories with each other – our defining moments, testimonies, successes, struggles, life lessons. Some passed around pictures, some used PowerPoint, some read from their journals or poetry they had written, some brought props, some like me ‘just’ shared. Sometimes there was great laughter at a particular joke or story. Sometimes there were tears as people opened up their hearts to us and we could see God in their lives – sometimes in their strength but usually in their vulnerability and weakness. We interacted, we asked questions, we offered encouragement, we prayed...

For me, this ‘experiment’ has been eye-opening. Through preparing my own story, I was confronted with themes in my life. I’ve seen how the deep desires God had placed in my heart early in my life – to want to live a life of significance and character, to want to make the world a better place, eventually led me to Jesus. Funny how even now, those same desires have at times led me to places of suffering, disappointment, doubt and fear. They've led me to the Jesus who died on the cross to give me life and invites me to carry my own cross to experience that life(Mark 8:34-38). And though I'm usually slow to see it at the time, looking back, these are usually the times I experience God most deeply and my desires become more refined, stronger, more mature I'd like to think if I hang on – not easy though! Probably why God designed it so I would need His help and the help of others...

Through hearing the stories of others, what stood out was the uniqueness of each person. Their stories, experiences, personalities, callings and gifts all point to a God who creates us uniquely to reflect something about God in a way no other person can (Gen 1:27). Each person experienced God in a unique and different way - they worship God, serve God, pray to God, and reflect God in ways they’ve been uniquely created for. And although each life is unique, I believe each story gave glory and honour to God by allowing His life to be seen in us through our stories.

Time and confidentiality prevent me from sharing more specifically about this. But among all the joys and highlights, I take perhaps the greatest hope and encouragement in seeing Life Transformation happen in the lives of ordinary small group members. To know people over years and see God change hearts, see people embrace their gifts and calling, see people work through old habits and learn new and better ways of living. To see how we are all supporting characters in the stories in a plot that God is continuing to unfold, to know that someone was blessed because of our friendships, our encouragement and our love, to grasp the truth that somehow in God’s mysterious ways, somehow we all played a part in the Life Transformation process of others – does it really get better than that? Wouldn't you want to be a part of that as well?

My small group members asked me to post some reflections on our Spotlight Time together.

  • I’d invite them to share their own perspective of this experience.
  • I’d also invite you to share your own thoughts, experiences and questions as we explore this AMAZING, LIFE-GIVING, FRUSTRATING, but WORTHWHILE gift we call spiritual community.

Last week, we finished our first-ever (but hopefully not the last) Small Group Member Spotlight time together. Next week, it’s a time of closure and celebration with something even more "spiritual" - a sushi-rolling, dumpling-making party and social evening! If anything eventful happens, I’ll let you know...