Thursday, January 14, 2010

"The Agenda is Prayer" Small Group Challenge!

Happy New Year Small Group Leaders!

As we look forward, there are a lot of exciting opportunities ahead in the New Year! With so many things down the pipe (new Vision/Mission statements, exciting ministry initiatives, further building developments, etc.) God has impressed upon the hearts of many staff and leaders the urgently essential need for PRAYER. To connect and abide in the presence and power of God (John 15:5-8). In fact, we've made PRAYER one of our defining objectives this year and a core value for Cornerstone. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing!

How often do we fail to tap into this awesome power that God has made available to His people? How often do we neglect to pray or see good intentions get crowded out by other agenda items and the busyness of life? The Apostle James reminds us: You do not have because you do not ask God (James 4:2).

But IMAGINE for a moment
the opportunities God would open up...
the lives that could be changed...
the impact that could be made in our community for God...
if we simply carved out time to pray together in our groups.

Wouldn't you want to be part of this prayer movement? Wouldn't you want your prayers to be a catalyst for God's Spirit to move in our community?

Take "The Agenda is Prayer" Small Group Challenge!
  • Talk (and pray) with your small group about taking the challenge.
  • Look at your schedule and sign-up for 1-5 months where the agenda for your small group meetings during this time will be simply to pray.
  • Pray in your small group meetings. Pray for the needs of your members. Pray for specific ministry requests that will be provided by the church. Try creative prayer exercises and ideas (provided by Pastor Jeremy) that can stretch and challenge the way you pray.
  • Debrief your experience and celebrate how God is answering prayers and growing your faith!
Let's go on this faith journey together!