Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011 a year in review and looking ahead to 2012!


It's hard to believe Christmas is only a few days away! How ironic that this season can be the time we "crowd out" Jesus the most with all our holiday plans, shopping trips and get-togethers. I know I've been guilty of this! Been making an effort though to spend extended times with Jesus in the morning to restore my tired soul and prepare me to serve Him during the day.

Praying for You!
How is your soul doing? Is it frantic, worried, tired? Is it content, rested, at peace?

Prayed for each of you this morning that the Holy Spirit would fill you afresh with His power and enable you to enter into this season with a worshipful heart!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Small Group Highlights for the Year!
God's been doing some exciting things in our small groups at Cornerstone! Some highlights include:

* Turbo Training Group attended by 6 potential leaders! (4 of them are serving as leaders in their respective groups/ministries.)
* 2 new small groups!
* Over 20 people who have connected with new small groups or as "open chair" members!
* 9 Semester Groups offered this year!
* Spring Small Group Leader Retreat (with guest spiritual director).
* Fall Small Group Leader BBQ Kick-off
* Exploring the idea of "Missional Small Groups" Together during Transform gatherings

What to Look Forward to in 2012!
Small Group Visits I'd like to visit and meet up with each one of your small groups in the coming year! It will give us a good time to connect, pray and celebrate what God is doing in your groups. I'd like to know how I can support you to be all that God wants you to be.

PLUS, I'd also like to take some time to share with you and have dialogue about "Missional Small Groups". This will be a key goal for our small group ministries in the coming year and will require our prayers and conversations together.

Exploring "Missional Small Groups" in our Transform GatheringsWe will continue to spend time in our Transform Gatherings exploring and sharing about "Missional Small Groups". This will include learning about the three key missional rhythms of group life: 1) Missional communion with God; 2) Missional relating with others; 3) Missional engagement with the world. We will also look at 21 practices that relate to these three missional rhythms. We'll also begin to think and experiment together how we can begin to live this reality out in our lives and in our communities.

Thanks for your faithful service and may the coming year of ministry be our best one yet!
Merry Christmas!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Small Group Serving Opportunity

Hi Leaders,

Serving together as a group is a great way to live out our faith by blessing others. It's also a fun time of building memories as a group! At Cornerstone, we have always "strongly encouraged" our small groups to take initiative and serve in outreach projects together.

Serving OpportunityThe Five with Drive ( Warehouse is looking for volunteers for their Local Food Bank Program. These volunteers would help out in a variety of tasks including: unloading a vehicle with food/toys; sorting & packing food/toys; re-organizing the warehouse; stock counting; recycling/making boxes; and other small chores.

One small group from Cornerstone participated in this event last year and there were many encouraging and life-transforming stories of seeing people (and the world) more through God's eyes. Through their service and obedience, God used this experience for those group members to work in their hearts and in the small group in powerful faith-stretching ways!

These are some of the dates you have to choose from: Dec 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19-23. During these times, clients will be coming in to the warehouse to pick-up items.

The warehouse is located at 105 Gibson Rd. in Markham (Warden and Steeles)

While the children aren't allowed to be in the warehouse for insurance purposes, there is a children's room stocked with construction paper, crayons, books, as well as a TV equipped with DVD player. A volunteer(s) from the small group should be assigned to watch the children.

Please talk about this opportunity with your small group and prayerfully consider participating. You can contact Anna Rossi if you're interested or have any questions -



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beyond "Normal"

By definition, “normal” is common, typical and expected. It conforms to a standard. Many small groups in North America are “normal”. Eight to twelve people meet regularly to study the Bible, share, pray together. Often group members meet socially for dinner or a movie or a summer picnic at the beach. Often group members serve the community together through an outreach project or a church initiative.

Nothing’s wrong with normal per se. Many of us would be so happy to have a group experience like that. (Wouldn’t you be thrilled if all your group members even just attended all the meetings?) God has done many great things in groups like these throughout the history of Cornerstone and the Church.

But what if God didn’t create us to be “normal”? What if our experience in community and small groups was to be so much more than what we’ve been experiencing?

Is it possible that there’s more beyond “normal”?

• Is it possible that our curriculum (as good as it is) can actually get in the way of group members “doing life” together?

• Is it possible that meetings can run smoothly (and as planned) but we still miss out on experiencing Jesus’ presence in our group or even forget to check in with Him?

• Is it possible that even with church and small group attendance, our lives and priorities and relationships still look much like those of non-Christians?

• Is it possible that we can do all the “right” things in our groups but still miss out on the life transformation God wants us to experience?

• Is it possible that God has actually designed the quality of our small group experience to impact and bless and attract our neighbours and those around us?

This year at Cornerstone, our Small Groups Leader community will be exploring what it means to go Beyond “Normal” in our experience and thinking of small groups. Through conversations, training, prayer, studies, experiments, etc. we’ll seek God’s vision for biblical community and be encouraged and resourced to take that next step in our leadership and in our small groups.

Please keep this in your prayers and ask that God would lead us closer to discovering and experiencing what it means to live in biblical community.

Looking forward to going on this journey with you.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why not attend our Praise & Prayer gatherings with your small group?

Over the years, many people have expressed a desire to get together outside of Sunday services to sing and praise God together.

This year we've decided to hold quarterly Praise & Prayer evenings. We want to create these "spaces" to encounter God through worship and prayer!

Why not encourage your small group to attend together?

The Friday evenings we've set aside are:

  • February 18th (Cancelled)
  • May 27th
  • August 19th
  • November 18th