Thursday, November 3, 2011

Small Group Serving Opportunity

Hi Leaders,

Serving together as a group is a great way to live out our faith by blessing others. It's also a fun time of building memories as a group! At Cornerstone, we have always "strongly encouraged" our small groups to take initiative and serve in outreach projects together.

Serving OpportunityThe Five with Drive ( Warehouse is looking for volunteers for their Local Food Bank Program. These volunteers would help out in a variety of tasks including: unloading a vehicle with food/toys; sorting & packing food/toys; re-organizing the warehouse; stock counting; recycling/making boxes; and other small chores.

One small group from Cornerstone participated in this event last year and there were many encouraging and life-transforming stories of seeing people (and the world) more through God's eyes. Through their service and obedience, God used this experience for those group members to work in their hearts and in the small group in powerful faith-stretching ways!

These are some of the dates you have to choose from: Dec 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19-23. During these times, clients will be coming in to the warehouse to pick-up items.

The warehouse is located at 105 Gibson Rd. in Markham (Warden and Steeles)

While the children aren't allowed to be in the warehouse for insurance purposes, there is a children's room stocked with construction paper, crayons, books, as well as a TV equipped with DVD player. A volunteer(s) from the small group should be assigned to watch the children.

Please talk about this opportunity with your small group and prayerfully consider participating. You can contact Anna Rossi if you're interested or have any questions -



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